Immigration Law Experts

The Louise Trauma Center, founded in 2017, is dedicated to raising awareness about immigrant women who have suffered from gender-based violence such as female genital mutilation (FGM), rape, domestic violence, and forced marriage. This site aims to help these women achieve justice when they apply for asylum.  The site will feature new country conditions, asylum officer trainings, reports, and analysis on the law surrounding these issues.  We will also highlight the long-term damage caused by these types of persecution.

​We are a non-profit organization.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

The practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) has impacted an estimated 140 million girls and women worldwide, and it continues to affect at least 3 million girls annually in Africa. FGM carries many immediate and long-term health risks and is recognized internationally as a clear violation of human rights. FGM is enforced by community expectations about marriageability. The social consequences that uncut girls face can be severe.

​BIA Decisions

  • Summary of Four Recent Rulings, 2-4-15

  • BIA 4-14-08


​BIA Brief

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Forced Marriage Cases

15 million girls a year marry before the age of 18. That’s approximately 41,000 girls per day, 28 girls every minute or 1 girl every 2 seconds. 720 million women alive today were married before their 18th birthday – this is equivalent to 10% of the world’s population. If there is no reduction in child marriage, 1.2 billion girls will marry as children by 2050 – equivalent to the entire population of India. Nearly 900m people globally have been affected by child marriage. That’s approximately 13% of the world’s population.

IJ Decisions

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​BIA Brief

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Client Exhibits

In legal proceedings, client exhibits serve as evidentiary materials, aiding in the elucidation of issues or the illustration of facts pertinent to the case before a court or adjudicative body. These exhibits are instrumental in effectively presenting complex information in a clear and persuasive manner to the trier of fact or relevant decision-makers.

Asylum Officer Training